The Gauge Axis formatting option is available in the Solid Gauge Chart.
This allows you to select the Minimum, Maximum, and Target values for the chart.

(info) Note:

These options are visible only if Min/Max/Target are not selected in the Widget Configuration. You can enter custom values here once they appear.

The table given below describes different fields present for Gauge Chart formatting.





The minimum value to be plotted for the Gauge Chart.


The maximum value to be plotted for the Gauge Chart.


The Target value is for comparing how far along the actual value has reached on the scale as compared to the target value.

To use Gauge Axis formatting options, first plot a Solid Gauge using the dimensions and measures from the dataset. But do not select Minimum, Maximum, and Target values in the Widget configuration. For example, we plot a Solid Gauge Chart of the Income.

The figure given below shows an original image of the Solid Gauge Chart.


  • Enter MIN value
  • Enter MAX value
  • Enter TARGET value

(info) Notes:

  • In order to see reflected changes of target value on the chart properly, the expected order of magnitude of data is minimum < value < target < maximum or minimum < target < value < maximum.
  • If the target is less than minimum or more than maximum, it may not be visible properly on the chat.

The resultant widget is shown below.

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