

To edit a dataset


When the user is working on a project and wants to update the dataset information


To update the description of a dataset


From the rubiscape homepage


The user


The procedure to edit a dataset is given below

Scenario: Next, Roger edits the description of the datasets that contain the COVID-19 data.

In editing dataset, you can

  • Edit the name and description of the dataset
  • Select, remove, or modify the features of the selected dataset
  • Replace the selected dataset

To edit a dataset, follow the steps given below.

  1. Open the Workspace that includes your dataset. Refer to Changing Workspace.
  2. On the home page, click Datasets.

Recent Datasets for the selected workspace are displayed.

  1. Hover over the dataset you want to edit and click the ellipsis, and then click Edit.
    Here, we consider CSV dataset.

    Update CSV Dataset window is displayed.
  2. Edit the required fields.


    While editing, you can select, remove, or modify Features for some type of datasets. To modify a feature, hover over the feature and click gear icon ( ).

  3. Click UPDATE.