Axis Title

Axis title is the heading that you want to give to the Y-axis.

The table given below describes different fields present on Axis Title formatting in Y-axis.





It allows you to give a suitable title to the axis.

  • Axis title represents the variable plotted on that axis.
  • You can add text in the text box.
  • You can also change the text font, its size, and color.
  • You can make the text bold, italic, and underline it.


It allows you to select the orientation in which you want to see the axis title.

You can arrange the axis title in any of the following orientations

  • Horizontal
  • Vertical
  • Diagonal
    By default, the axis title is arranged vertically.

To use Axis Title formatting options, first plot a Column Chart using the dimensions and measures from the dataset. For example, we plot a Column Chart of the Count of Cards against Gender. The Ethnicity of the sample is the Legend dimension.

The figure given below shows an original image of the Column Chart. By default,

  • The axis title is the same as the name of the coordinate (or the column heading) plotted on the axis. In the chart below, the axis title is 'Count of Cards'.
  • The font type is Raleway, the font size is 14, and the default color is used.
  • The orientation of the axis title is vertical.


  • Change the axis title, its font type, font size, and font color.
  • Make the axis title bold, italic, and underline it.
  • Change the orientation of the axis title to Diagonal.

The resultant widget is shown below.

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