You are deleting the dashboard results in the deletion of all the charts, graphs, and tables in it. You can delete a dashboard if it has already been saved or is not required.


  • Make sure you are in the correct Workspace, including the dashboard you want to delete.
  • You can delete a dashboard only if the Administrator grants permission to delete it.


  • This action cannot be undone.
  • Deleting the dashboard results in the deletion of all the charts, graphs, tables, and pages present in it.

To delete a dashboard, follow the steps given below.

  1. Open the Workspace that includes your dashboard. Refer to Changing Workspace.
  2. On the home page, click Dashboards. Recent Dashboards for the selected workspace are displayed.
  3. Hover over the dashboard you want to delete, click the vertical ellipsis (    ), and then click Delete.

    A message to confirm your action is displayed.
  4. Click Yes, Delete. The dashboard is deleted, and a confirmation message is displayed.

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