New Features
Platform & Studio
- Data Dictionary - Ability to create, edit, delete Data Dictionary
- JSON Dataset – Ability to create, edit, delete JSON file dataset
- Algorithms added:
- Count Vectorization
- TFIDF Algorithm
- SMOTE Algorithm – Detection and handling of rare events/unbalanced data
- Process Capability Report
- Distribution Fitting
- XG Boost Regression
- XG Boost Classification
- Polynomial Regression
- Anomaly Detection - Isolation Forest
- Anomaly Detection - Local Outlier Factor
- Chi-Square Test for Independence
- Shapiro Wilk's Test for Normality
- Ability to run SQL jobs from workflow/workbook
- Ability to use user-defined variables in RubiSQL
- Ability to use user-defined variables in RubiPython
- RubiPython can now be used as a predecessor task for the Reader in Workflow and Workbook
- Code Fusion:
- Jupyter like functionality (code editor) is now available for RubiPython
- Reusable code fusion capability has been added to enable the user to publish Python code and reuse it in a workflow as a separate task
- Super Admin and Tenant Admin Management:
- Ability to create one super admin and one tenant admin (if it does not already exist) at the time of deployment using a script
- Licensing:
- Licensing has been introduced in Rubiscape with multiple usage policies
- Authentication and restriction controls have been added to check the activation status of the license (active/inactive) and accordingly restrict the Admin from creating new users than the permissible count
- Autoscaling functionality can now be enabled or disabled using a configuration in the Admin module
- Worker node configuration selection has been provided in the Task Properties as well as in the workflow/workbook properties. This provides the ability to have control over the execution of tasks. A user can now select worker instance type for execution and provide a specific queue name for the selected node/task
- Validations have now been introduced for Workbook and Workflow configurations. This provides the user ability to validate workbook/workflow configuration before execution
- Ability to use Azure Blob Storage as a cache or storage
- Ability to deploy Rubiscape with an on-premise file server
- Sequence Generator - Ability to add an auto-increment column to the data
- Ability to lookup for values from datasets using multiple conditions
- Redis cache is now available as a Caching Engine
- Python (including all the libraries) is now upgraded to version 3.7 from version 3.5
- Folder-wise access is now available for workspace on a tenant bucket. An S3 bucket will be created and deleted for the creation and deletion of a tenant on Rubiscape
- The chart tab is now active and functional in a workbook while exploring results. The user can now visualize node results with charts in a Workbook
- Allow users to create parameters at a dashboard level. These parameters can be used as input for the dashboard. Parameters are independent of datasets
- Geo-qualifying an Object for Geomap Chart - Ability to identify geographical data. Allows users to map geographical values to categorical values
- Page Filter in Rubisight - Ability to filter all widgets at the page level
Studio and Rubisight
- Tag Driven Strategy - Ability to insert, update and delete rows from a table based on the tag generated using Expression
- Substring function is now available in expression evaluation
- Enhancement in Date and Time Format where formats with only date or only time or a combination of date and time are now supported
- Dynamic calculations in expression evaluation (using advanced functions to dynamically calculate the features required for the further analysis of the data) are now supported
- Enhancement in variable storage approach for all variables defined by the user at the workbook/workflow level
- Ability to refresh dataset used in workbook/workflow if the dataset is updated. Meta-Data refresh option is also available on the Edit Dataset page
- Date Formatting on Charts - Formats with only date or only time or a combination of date and time are now supported
- Highlight data present in tables, cross table, and sparkline using conditional formatting
- Publish option allowed in Dashboard Edit mode only. Not available in view mode
- Height and Width restrictions are removed for all widgets in Rubisight
- Ability to add borders, background color, or image to the text widget
- Export dashboard as PDF - Ability to export multiple pages of a dashboard in a single PDF
- Access individual pages of a dashboard using distinct URLs
- Ability to use substring function in calculated fields
- Dynamic Calculations in Calculated Fields - Dynamic calculations (using advanced functions to dynamically calculate the features required for the further analysis of the data) are now supported
- Cross-Table Enhancement - Configuration of legends and measures together is now allowed
Table of Content